Last modified: [2024-10-11 Fri 11:21 EDT]

Website objective 9: backlog files to website
Started [2024-09-01 Sun 13:07 EDT]

Table of Contents

DONE Strategize

DONE Gather source files

[2024-09-01 Sun 13:08 EDT] Several days ago, I pulled the source SEGMENT directories for Re1–Re5, so I could work on them on my laptop.

DONE Create new final fines directory within source SEGMENT directory (later, deleted it)

Now I’ve created a Re1 directory with Re1-SEGMENT, and copied in (from SCRIPTS-OUTPUT) the following files:

➜ 2024-09-03-Tue-12:37:35-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $ la
total 40
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff   8.0K Aug 27 06:20 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Dec 12  2022 ACTUAL
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   744B Jan 11  2021 Copy-Pasted-Markers.txt
drwxr-xr-x   4 jeffre  staff   128B Aug 27 06:20 FCP
drwxr-xr-x   6 jeffre  staff   192B Aug 27 06:20 LOGIC
drwxr-xr-x  11 jeffre  staff   352B Apr  8  2023 NOTES-CURRENT
drwxr-xr-x   7 jeffre  staff   224B Sep  1 13:05 Re1
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   2.0K Dec 12  2022
drwxr-xr-x  62 jeffre  staff   1.9K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Nov  4  2023 SCRIPTS-OUTPUT
drwxr-xr-x  44 jeffre  staff   1.4K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS-as-of-2022-12-12--18-59-07
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Apr  8  2023 archive
➜ 2024-09-03-Tue-12:37:38-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $ tree Re1
├── FINAL---PDFLibsynShownotes.txt
├── FINAL---mp3LibsynNotes--FOR-LYRICS.txt
├── FINAL---mp3LibsynNotes--FOR-YOUTUBE.html
├── Re1-NOTES.pdf
└── Re1.mp3

1 directory, 5 files
➜ 2024-09-03-Tue-12:37:49-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $

Actually, [2024-09-04 Wed 13:27 EDT], I’m going to delete this directory, because I haven’t decided source of truth yet.

Now it looks like this again, with the files moved to ~/.Trash:

➜ 2024-09-04-Wed-13:29:12-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $ la
total 40
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff   8.0K Aug 27 06:20 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Dec 12  2022 ACTUAL
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   744B Jan 11  2021 Copy-Pasted-Markers.txt
drwxr-xr-x   4 jeffre  staff   128B Aug 27 06:20 FCP
drwxr-xr-x   6 jeffre  staff   192B Aug 27 06:20 LOGIC
drwxr-xr-x  12 jeffre  staff   384B Sep  4 13:01 NOTES-CURRENT
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   2.0K Dec 12  2022
drwxr-xr-x  62 jeffre  staff   1.9K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Nov  4  2023 SCRIPTS-OUTPUT
drwxr-xr-x  44 jeffre  staff   1.4K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS-as-of-2022-12-12--18-59-07
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Apr  8  2023 archive

➜ 2024-09-04-Wed-13:29:27-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $ tree ~/.Trash/Re1-deletable-copies
├── FINAL---PDFLibsynShownotes.txt
├── FINAL---mp3LibsynNotes--FOR-LYRICS.txt
├── FINAL---mp3LibsynNotes--FOR-YOUTUBE.html
├── Re1-NOTES.pdf
└── Re1.mp3

1 directory, 5 files
➜ 2024-09-04-Wed-13:29:35-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $

➜ 2024-09-04-Wed-13:29:35-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $ la SCRIPTS-OUTPUT
total 98976
-rw-r--r--    1 jeffre  staff    13K Jan 17  2021 FINAL---PDFLibsynShownotes.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 jeffre  staff   6.4K Jan 24  2021 FINAL---mp3LibsynNotes--FOR-LYRICS.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 jeffre  staff   6.4K Jan 24  2021 FINAL---mp3LibsynNotes--FOR-YOUTUBE.html
drwxr-xr-x   23 jeffre  staff   736B Apr  8  2023 ID3-build-and-add-STEPS
-rw-r--r--    1 jeffre  staff   744B Jan  5  2021 Markers--FINAL.txt
drwxr-xr-x   48 jeffre  staff   1.5K Apr  8  2023 Markers-From-ProjectData-STEPS
drwxr-xr-x  111 jeffre  staff   3.5K Apr  8  2023 Output-Checks-STEPS
-rw-r--r--    1 jeffre  staff    24M Jan  5  2021 Re1--test-more-shownotes.mp3
-rw-r--r--    1 jeffre  staff   612B Dec 12  2022 Re1-Macros-for-LaTeX.txt
-rw-r--r--@   1 jeffre  staff   179K Jan 26  2021 Re1-NOTES.pdf
-rw-r--r--    1 jeffre  staff    24M Jan 26  2021 Re1.mp3
drwxr-xr-x   76 jeffre  staff   2.4K Apr  8  2023 Show-notes-build-STEPS
-rw-r--r--    1 jeffre  staff    33B Dec 12  2022 ShowFullTitleForVitalsID3py.txt
➜ 2024-09-04-Wed-13:30:53-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $

DONE Should I fully preserve the NOTES-CURRENT dir? Online, yes, because when you need Latex source, you can easily grab it.

  • CON: you’ll have to vet the files, in case there’s not-for-public comments in them
  • PRO: with time, anything not on the web is lost or inaccessible
  • PRO: others can benefit from your Latex and other source code
  • PRO: the easiest thing is just to put up the source files

DONE Should I rename them? Only in bulk, in emacs, if it makes sense to bother, later.

DONE Should I be copying tnhem or moving them? Most will be downloaded [maybe not]. html should be copied.

DONE Do these data match the current Libsyn RSS? Wrong question; Libsyn is SOT; download files, don’t copy them. [Except you can’t do this for Margin, MP, so you might as well develop a universal local approach.]

  • size
  • meta dates

DONE Notes feed is incomplete, only goes back to Re24; fixed.

Looks like it might be because I published nothing in 2021; now testing by publishing "test-2021" on July 1, 2021 in Libsyn webapp; nope; emailed helpdesk [2024-09-02 Mon 17:36 EDT]. [2024-09-03 Tue 12:14 EDT] Received reply, my settings are at max 100 episodes (I looked for this, ugh).

DONE Decide file-gathering methodology for non-Libsyn feeds. One segment at a time.

DONE Why is this so difficult? Because my final files are not all in SEGMENTS, and I wasn’t systematic.

DONE Where are the file? In SEGMENTS and [FINAL FILES] or whatever, on the MM.

DONE Get [FINAL FILES] on laptop. Actually, got them on external drive ft1.

DONE Should you get everything on a simple storage server (DO), a la S3 buckets? Nah, see next.

DONE Where should I store my files? The video will eventually die at scale. Nah, see next.

DONE Can I point nginx Re1.mp4 to another server? Nah, see next.

DONE More simply, can I put a YouTube URL in my nginx Index of Re600? I think the way is an html file for the videos that redirects to wherever. Nah, see next.

DONE But 20min of video is only 133 MB (7MB/min). Do I really need to store video offsite? Or only today’s, and then archives (which get downloaded much less) are all local? That’s the way.

Co2_ It's Not a Hacker (and Alex Birsan's Dependency Confusion via Ee Durbin on Django Chat).mp4 That’s 20min, 133 MB.

So, suppose 133 MB per day, 325, 10 years: 485 GB. Meh. Add 10% for mp3/pdf/html/txt. Say, 600 GB per decade. Nothing, in the scheme of things.

DONE So where are the [FINAL FILES]? Some are in otherfiles. I need to get 180GB onto my laptop. It’s the only clean way.

DONE Get RETRAICE-archive onto laptop.

DONE Decide html (generation or fix-up) for Re1–N which were never properly generated. One segment at a time.

DONE Decide NOTES-CURRENT source files vetting method. One segment at a time.

  1. How to include multiple .tex files?
  2. How to include bib?
  3. How to include images?

DONE make this doc published on website

DONE make LOGBOOK publishable

DONE make a source/projects/ dir

DONE make an rsync to copy the html file generated by the M-` O pho

run from this project file, which is org-export-dispatch and html, open options.

DONE make CLOCK: entries in :LOGBOOK: drawer publish: org-export-with-clocks

Can't get :LOGBOOK: keyword CLOCK: entries to export. Wait, these variables:

DONE make LOGBOOK look right

Here’s the relevant org code added to this file (see

At the top:

#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style2.css" />

Within the LOGBOOK headline:

@@html:<div class="logbook"> <!--[2024-09-10 Tue 04:25] added jlm -->@@
  CLOCK: [2024-09-09 Mon 15:06]--[2024-09-09 Mon 15:28] =>  0:22

And the style2.css file (see

.timestamp { color: #111111; font-family: monospace; font-size: 80%; }  /* modified jlm [2024-09-10 Tue 04:03]*/
.timestamp-kwd { color: #5f9ea0; font-size: 80%; }                      /* modified jlm [2024-09-10 Tue 04:03]*/
.logbook {line-height: 0px;   /* within paragraph */ margin-bottom: 0px; /* between paragraphs */}      /* added jlm [2024-09-10 Tue 04:03]*/

DONE Make the #+SETUPFILE work

(As first considered in TODO get general settings into =#+SETUPFILE= of the file

Frist, renamed style2.css to style-projects.css.

Then added this at the top of the present file,


which points to

# [2024-09-10 Tue 10:15]
#+author: Jeff Marcum

#+OPTIONS: toc:t

# css
#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style-projects.css" /> <!-- -->

# timestamp color
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <style type="text/css"> .timestamp { color: purple; font-weight: bold; } </style>

# HOME and UP buttons

DONE Make zsh terminal structure blocks export with syntax highlighting / colorization. Done, using script.

DONE State the objective: syntax highlighting / colorization of shell i/o in org and html export.

For example, this should be highlighted in org and in html export:

➜ 2024-09-03-Tue-12:37:35-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $ la
total 40
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff   8.0K Aug 27 06:20 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Dec 12  2022 ACTUAL
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   744B Jan 11  2021 Copy-Pasted-Markers.txt
drwxr-xr-x   4 jeffre  staff   128B Aug 27 06:20 FCP
drwxr-xr-x   6 jeffre  staff   192B Aug 27 06:20 LOGIC
drwxr-xr-x  11 jeffre  staff   352B Apr  8  2023 NOTES-CURRENT
drwxr-xr-x   7 jeffre  staff   224B Sep  1 13:05 Re1
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   2.0K Dec 12  2022
drwxr-xr-x  62 jeffre  staff   1.9K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Nov  4  2023 SCRIPTS-OUTPUT
drwxr-xr-x  44 jeffre  staff   1.4K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS-as-of-2022-12-12--18-59-07
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Apr  8  2023 archive
➜ 2024-09-03-Tue-12:37:38-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $ tree Re1
├── FINAL---PDFLibsynShownotes.txt
├── FINAL---mp3LibsynNotes--FOR-LYRICS.txt
├── FINAL---mp3LibsynNotes--FOR-YOUTUBE.html
├── Re1-NOTES.pdf
└── Re1.mp3

1 directory, 5 files
➜ 2024-09-03-Tue-12:37:49-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $

I can’t find an emacs mode that will syntax highlight / colorize my ls and zsh stuff, and how could it? zsh knows that the directories are directories from, probably, the ascii escape codes. But I copy/paste only (?) the visible ascii characters into org structure blocks. Unless the mode could parse ls syntax for things like drwxr-... directory lines.

Or just let it go?

DONE get a major mode in emacs that syntax highlights / colorizes zsh blocks the way I want. I don’t think this is doable.

The mode would have to know that my shell prompt should be carefully colorized, and which strings in la output are directories vs files, etc.

DONE map that major mode to a string in Easy Customization Org Src Lang Modes. Not doing this; see previous.

DONE New approach: Use external tool to convert zsh i/o to html, then paste that into org file. Didn't work.

This is a bit of trouble, but maybe I can ultimately perform the i/o in an org src block with output.

Trying ansifilter and highlight based on .

I can get some colorization, but the basic problem with grabbing the text of a shell prompt ➜ 2024-09-03-Tue-12:37:35-jmbpmhn Re1-SEGMENT $ with ls / la and the output is that it’s input and output in the same place. It’s not the syntax of one thing, but three.

DONE Fiddling

ls  --color -alhF
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  12 jeffre  staff   384B Apr  8  2023 ./
drwxr-xr-x   7 jeffre  staff   224B Aug 27 05:55 ../
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Dec 12  2022 ACTUAL/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   744B Jan 11  2021 Copy-Pasted-Markers.txt
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Dec 13  2022 FCP/
drwxr-xr-x   5 jeffre  staff   160B Apr  8  2023 LOGIC/
drwxr-xr-x  11 jeffre  staff   352B Apr  8  2023 NOTES-CURRENT/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   2.0K Dec 12  2022
drwxr-xr-x  62 jeffre  staff   1.9K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS/
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Nov  4  2023 SCRIPTS-OUTPUT/
drwxr-xr-x  44 jeffre  staff   1.4K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS-as-of-2022-12-12--18-59-07/
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Apr  8  2023 archive/
ls -alhF --color=always    
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  12 jeffre  staff   384B Apr  8  2023 ./
drwxr-xr-x   7 jeffre  staff   224B Aug 27 05:55 ../
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Dec 12  2022 ACTUAL/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   744B Jan 11  2021 Copy-Pasted-Markers.txt
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Dec 13  2022 FCP/
drwxr-xr-x   5 jeffre  staff   160B Apr  8  2023 LOGIC/
drwxr-xr-x  11 jeffre  staff   352B Apr  8  2023 NOTES-CURRENT/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   2.0K Dec 12  2022
drwxr-xr-x  62 jeffre  staff   1.9K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS/
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Nov  4  2023 SCRIPTS-OUTPUT/
drwxr-xr-x  44 jeffre  staff   1.4K Apr  8  2023 SCRIPTS-as-of-2022-12-12--18-59-07/
drwxr-xr-x  15 jeffre  staff   480B Apr  8  2023 archive/

DONE This gets colorizing in emacs, but not export.

DONE Does this manually applied colorization get color in export? No.

echo "he\033[0;31mllo\033[0m"

DONE Can I get colorized html from the ```console in markdown mode? Not really, even in Github webapp (not shown below).

➜ 2024-09-13-Fri-14:00:02-jmbpmhn source/ git:(master) ✗ $ la
total 256
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff   6.0K Jun 25 10:31 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   7.2K Jul  5 16:00 .emacs.desktop
drwxr-xr-x  12 jeffre  staff   384B Sep 13 13:46 .git/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff    77B Jul  6 06:23 .gitignore
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Jun 24 16:17 customers/
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Jun 24 16:16 feeds/
drwxr-xr-x   5 jeffre  staff   160B Feb 21  2024 images/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   395B Jul  5 05:30 index.aux
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    10K Sep  9 14:27 index.html
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   2.1K Sep  9 14:44
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    51K Jul  5 05:30 index.pdf
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   2.0K Jul  5 05:30 index.tex
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   904B Feb 21  2024
drwxr-xr-x   4 jeffre  staff   128B Jun 24 16:16 mp3s/
drwxr-xr-x   2 jeffre  staff    64B Jun 19 18:38 other/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   7.5K Jun 20 19:54
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   6.3K Sep  9 14:43 project-alist.el
drwxr-xr-x   7 jeffre  staff   224B Sep 13 13:54 projects/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff    24B Jun 24 17:40 rsync-exclude
drwxr-xr-x   6 jeffre  staff   192B Jun 26 08:36 segments/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   5.9K Feb 21  2024
➜ 2024-09-13-Fri-14:00:03-jmbpmhn source/ git:(master) ✗ $

DONE Sanity check: Let it go? What is the purpose?

[2024-09-13 Fri 13:11 EDT]

  1. The documents, without colorization, don't look like what I see.
  2. The documents are easier to read and understand with color.

DONE Let's try ansifilter and highlight again. Done, and later for LaTeX.

Got ansifilter working (see next). highlight seems more about converting source code (“Highlight converts sourcecode to HTML, XHTML, RTF, LaTeX, TeX, SVG, BBCode and terminal escape sequences with coloured syntax highlighting. Language definitions and colour themes are customizable.”).

Later, this will be especially useful for getting technical stuff in LaTeX to look right, because right now my org export to LaTeX doesn’t.

DONE Oooh, script!

Check this out!! The funny business is the arrow character missing, and the auto-complete in zsh of la and exit, things I can definitely work around!

I generated this by running script, then using:

script laFile
<la and then exit>
ansifilter --html laFile > laFile.html    
Script started on Fri Sep 13 15:11:10 2024
 2024-09-13-Fri-15:11:10-jmbpmhn testing-ansifilter-deletable/ $ =lla>ackground-color:#000000;">                                                                                                                                                                                              
total 48
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jeffre  staff   3.2K Sep 12 13:23 6.html
drwxr-xr-x  2 jeffre  staff    64B Sep 11 14:04 dirtest/
-rw-r--r--  1 jeffre  staff   972B Sep 12 13:23 highlight.css
-rw-r--r--  1 jeffre  staff    43B Sep 13 15:11 laFile
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jeffre  staff   5.3K Sep 12 13:23 test5.html
drwxr-xr-x@ 6 jeffre  staff   192B Sep 13 14:29 testing-ansifilter-deletable2/
-rw-r--r--  1 jeffre  staff   1.1K Sep 13 15:10 typescript
 2024-09-13-Fri-15:11:12-jmbpmhn testing-ansifilter-deletable/ $ =eexexiexit>

Script done on Fri Sep 13 15:11:13 2024

The two key links:

  1. for ansifilter and highlight at:
  2. for script. Helpful on script:

Other useful stuff:

  4. This got colorization, but only within emacs, in the RESULTS block, not in html export.
    1. This aimed for a similar thing, but I didn’t make it work.
  5. This is where I tested Github’s ```console syntax highlighting, and found it not good enough to interpret my unusual prompt, and even the directories of ls.

DONE How to fix ugly script capture of zsh auto-complete / suggestions? Drop down to bash.

Is it just best to drop down to bash? I’ve improved my PS1 prompt in .bashrc:

# [2024-09-18 Wed 09:43] Can I get a similar prompt to my zsh?
PS1='\[\033[01;95m\] $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%a-%H:%M:%S) \W/ \$ \[\033[00m\]'      

And in action, I would do:

➜ 2024-09-18-Wed-11:40:52-jmbpmhn projects/ git:(master) ✗ $ export SHELL=/bin/bash && script -q
 2024-09-18-Wed-11:40:58 projects/ $ ls -alh
total 256
drwxr-xr-x   9 jeffre  staff   288B Sep 18 11:39 ./
drwxr-xr-x  23 jeffre  staff   736B Sep  9 14:44 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff    25K Sep 10 04:30 9-backlog-files-to-website--clock-css-modified.html
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    64K Sep 18 11:34 9-backlog-files-to-website.html
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    28K Sep 18 11:35
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Sep 16 12:00 hacking/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   442B Sep 10 11:38
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   669B Sep 10 11:09 style-projects.css
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff     0B Sep 18 11:40 typescript
 2024-09-18-Wed-11:41:03 projects/ $ exit
➜ 2024-09-18-Wed-11:41:40-jmbpmhn projects/ git:(master) ✗ $ ansifilter --html
➜ 2024-09-18-Wed-11:41:58-jmbpmhn projects/ git:(master) ✗ $ ansifilter --html typescript > typescript.html
➜ 2024-09-18-Wed-11:42:37-jmbpmhn projects/ git:(master) ✗ $ open typescript.html    

Which produces:

 2024-09-18-Wed-11:40:58 projects/ $ ls -alh
total 256
drwxr-xr-x   9 jeffre  staff   288B Sep 18 11:39 ./
drwxr-xr-x  23 jeffre  staff   736B Sep  9 14:44 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff    25K Sep 10 04:30 9-backlog-files-to-website--clock-css-modified.html
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    64K Sep 18 11:34 9-backlog-files-to-website.html
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    28K Sep 18 11:35
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Sep 16 12:00 hacking/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   442B Sep 10 11:38
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   669B Sep 10 11:09 style-projects.css
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff     0B Sep 18 11:40 typescript
 2024-09-18-Wed-11:41:03 projects/ $ exit

Improving prompt, creating alias shortcuts, and using C-d to exit instead:


alias startScript='export SHELL=/bin/bash && script -q'
alias convertScriptToHtmlAndOpen='ansifilter --html typescript > typescript.html && open typescript.html'
alias cso='convertScriptToHtmlAndOpen'      


➜ 2024-09-18-Wed-11:58:57-jmbpmhn projects/ git:(master) ✗ $ startScript
-> 2024-09-18-Wed-11:59:13 projects/ $ ls -alh
total 280
drwxr-xr-x  10 jeffre  staff   320B Sep 18 11:53 ./
drwxr-xr-x  23 jeffre  staff   736B Sep  9 14:44 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff    25K Sep 10 04:30 9-backlog-files-to-website--clock-css-modified.html
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    66K Sep 18 11:46 9-backlog-files-to-website.html
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    31K Sep 18 11:50
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Sep 16 12:00 hacking/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   442B Sep 10 11:38
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   669B Sep 10 11:09 style-projects.css
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff     0B Sep 18 11:59 typescript
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff   1.5K Sep 18 11:58 typescript.html
-> 2024-09-18-Wed-11:59:17 projects/ $ exit
➜ 2024-09-18-Wed-11:59:19-jmbpmhn projects/ git:(master) ✗ $ cso


-> 2024-09-18-Wed-11:59:13 projects/ $ ls -alh
total 280
drwxr-xr-x  10 jeffre  staff   320B Sep 18 11:53 ./
drwxr-xr-x  23 jeffre  staff   736B Sep  9 14:44 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff    25K Sep 10 04:30 9-backlog-files-to-website--clock-css-modified.html
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    66K Sep 18 11:46 9-backlog-files-to-website.html
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff    31K Sep 18 11:50
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeffre  staff    96B Sep 16 12:00 hacking/
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   442B Sep 10 11:38
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff   669B Sep 10 11:09 style-projects.css
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff     0B Sep 18 11:59 typescript
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeffre  staff   1.5K Sep 18 11:58 typescript.html
-> 2024-09-18-Wed-11:59:17 projects/ $ exit

DONE Downsides: I have to alias and bash to do it, and the raw file contents in my org are html, not text, which will cause problems with LaTeX exports. But still, it looks good published.

DONE Can I ansifilter to LaTeX? Yes!

First, I generate the LaTeX:

-> 2024-09-18-Wed-12:22:29 projects/ $ ansifilter --latex typescript > typescript.tex
-> 2024-09-18-Wed-12:22:32 projects/ $ exit

This is the raw LaTeX file produced:

{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{1,0,1}{-}$>$\ws{\ }2024{-}09{-}18{-}Wed{-}12:25:00\ws{\ }projects/\ws{\ }\$\ws{\ }}ls\ws{\ }{-}alh\hspace*{\fill}\\
total\ws{\ }616\hspace*{\fill}\\
drwxr{-}xr{-}x\ws{\ }\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }576B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:23\ws{\ }{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0.5,0.5,0.5}}{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0,1,1}.}/\hspace*{\fill}\\
lrwxr{-}xr{-}x\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }20B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:23\ws{\ }{\color[rgb]{0.8,0,0.8}.\#9{-}backlog{-}files{-}to{-}}@\ws{\ }{-}$>$\ws{\ }jeffre@jmbpmhn.47443\hspace*{\fill}\\
drwxr{-}xr{-}x\ws{\ }\ws{\ }23\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }736B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }\ws{\ }9\ws{\ }14:44\ws{\ }{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0.5,0.5,0.5}}{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0,1,1}..}/\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }25K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }10\ws{\ }04:30\ws{\ }9{-}backlog{-}files{-}to{-}website{-}{-}clock{-}css{-}modified.html\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}@\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }12K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:23\ws{\ }9{-}backlog{-}files{-}to{-}website.html\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}@\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }39K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:23\ws{\ }9{-}backlog{-}files{-}to{-}\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}@\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }110K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:23\ws{\ }9{-}backlog{-}files{-}to{-}website.pdf\hspace*{\fill}\\
drwxr{-}xr{-}x\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }3\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }96B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:08\ws{\ }{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0.5,0.5,0.5}}{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0,1,1}auto}/\hspace*{\fill}\\
drwxr{-}xr{-}x\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }3\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }96B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }16\ws{\ }12:00\ws{\ }{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0.5,0.5,0.5}}{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0,1,1}hacking}/\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }442B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }10\ws{\ }11:38\ws{\ }setupfile{-}\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }669B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }10\ws{\ }11:09\ws{\ }style{-}projects.css\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }0B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:25\ws{\ }typescript\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }162B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:09\ws{\ }typescript.aux\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}@\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }578B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:22\ws{\ }typescript.html\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }12K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:09\ws{\ }typescript.log\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }0B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:09\ws{\ }typescript.out\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}@\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }45K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:09\ws{\ }typescript.pdf\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}@\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }292B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }12:22\ws{\ }typescript.tex\hspace*{\fill}\\
{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{1,0,1}{-}$>$\ws{\ }2024{-}09{-}18{-}Wed{-}12:25:04\ws{\ }projects/\ws{\ }\$\ws{\ }}exit\hspace*{\fill}\\
% LaTeX generated by ansifilter 2.21,        

And this is how it has to be stripped of some things, and headers broken out in my org file:

#+latex_header: \usepackage{color}
#+latex_header: \usepackage{hyperref}
#+latex_header: \newcommand{\ws}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0}{#1}}

#+begin_export latex
{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{1,0,1}{-}$>$\ws{\ }2024{-}09{-}18{-}Wed{-}11:59:13\ws{\ }projects/\ws{\ }\$\ws{\ }}ls\ws{\ }{-}alh\hspace*{\fill}\\
total\ws{\ }280\hspace*{\fill}\\
drwxr{-}xr{-}x\ws{\ }\ws{\ }10\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }320B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }11:53\ws{\ }{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0.5,0.5,0.5}}{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0,1,1}.}/\hspace*{\fill}\\
drwxr{-}xr{-}x\ws{\ }\ws{\ }23\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }736B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }\ws{\ }9\ws{\ }14:44\ws{\ }{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0.5,0.5,0.5}}{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0,1,1}..}/\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }25K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }10\ws{\ }04:30\ws{\ }9{-}backlog{-}files{-}to{-}website{-}{-}clock{-}css{-}modified.html\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}@\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }66K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }11:46\ws{\ }9{-}backlog{-}files{-}to{-}website.html\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}@\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }31K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }11:50\ws{\ }9{-}backlog{-}files{-}to{-}\hspace*{\fill}\\
drwxr{-}xr{-}x\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }3\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }96B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }16\ws{\ }12:00\ws{\ }{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0.5,0.5,0.5}}{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{0,1,1}hacking}/\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }442B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }10\ws{\ }11:38\ws{\ }setupfile{-}\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }669B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }10\ws{\ }11:09\ws{\ }style{-}projects.css\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }0B\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }11:59\ws{\ }typescript\hspace*{\fill}\\
{-}rw{-}r{-}{-}r{-}{-}@\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1\ws{\ }jeffre\ws{\ }\ws{\ }staff\ws{\ }\ws{\ }\ws{\ }1.5K\ws{\ }Sep\ws{\ }18\ws{\ }11:58\ws{\ }typescript.html\hspace*{\fill}\\
{\bfseries{}\color[rgb]{1,0,1}{-}$>$\ws{\ }2024{-}09{-}18{-}Wed{-}11:59:17\ws{\ }projects/\ws{\ }\$\ws{\ }}exit\hspace*{\fill}\\

So, if I were trying to export a beautiful ls -alh to both html and Latex, I would have to create a separate export for each, the way I do in my title/subtitle etc. structure for Retraice Notes.

DONE set nginx config to index projects directory

DONE modify and run publishing process with this project doc in tow.

adjust rsync process to filter files (or not)

The question is: Do I have to rsync filter html files in source? I don’t want to have to do this.

I THINK the reason I was filtering was in case I had an html file generated by org export instead of org publish. If I regularly export to examine the drafts of, say,, then org-publish, then rsync, I’ll overwrite the publish-generated html with the draft one.

Can I tell rsync to not overwrite newer files? Of course I can. But it’s might lead to situations of confusion.

man rsync: --update, -u skip files that are newer on the receiver

The question is: Do you always want the most recently generated html file to be published? Scenarios:

  • old draft gets published to indexed directory, not intended to be public
  • new draft overwrites existing good draft. But this would mean I generated an html file in source, nuked a ‘good’ html file, and rsynced the …

This is too complicated to think through. What I need is separate directories for export html docs, and for publish html docs.

  • export is for projects and segments, and html files should be included in rsync ’s
  • publish is only for website-level pages, e.g. index, about, etc., not daily output, and html should not be synced.

But then why am I using publish at all? Shouldn’t everything just be rsync ed? Looking at the project-alist.el file, I really don’t see why I need it.

  • Is it because linked pages and docs are automatically published? Test… So far so good. I think this variable controls linking to html or org files: org-html-link-org-files-as-html
  • although I need to be careful about defaulting my export to subtree only, because if that gets published, it’s wrong.
  • And this way (rsync only), I don’t have to think about ‘newer’ and ‘older’ files. Just sync everything.
  • Ok, looks good, after some tweaking and clean up.

But the org files clutter up the indexed directories, e.g.:


Index of /Users/jeffre/dotfiles/newhouse/website/local-test-site/segments/re600/
[parent directory]
Name    Size    Date Modified
Re600-vid.html     335 B    9/23/24, 2:06:09 PM
Re600.html         8.4 kB    9/23/24, 2:07:09 PM          588 B    6/20/24, 8:10:32 PM
Re600.pdf          49.8 kB    6/21/24, 7:43:06 AM
Re600.tex          1.1 kB    6/21/24, 7:43:02 AM
Re600.txt          212 B    6/21/24, 8:38:43 AM
TEST-bib.bib       1.7 kB    12/28/23, 11:00:59 AM

Html: re600 directory

But it’s not so bad. And it’s great to have the actual source file there.

So, this org doc is in my website source directory, and when I export, generates the html. Now I just need to link to this file. Or better yet, link to the indexed directory of all projects? Yes, linking to the indexed directory looks good, as long as I have a subdirectory for each project, to keep things visually tidy. So a project is like a segment in that way:

… Hmm, if I insert raw html, the <script> (I think) interferes with the above insert, mixes with, and breaks both. So for now, only one directory index raw html insert per org doc.

What I wanted to print in html, but raw-ish:

Index of /Users/jeffre/dotfiles/newhouse/website/source/projects/
[parent directory]
Name                     Size    Date Modified
hacking/                         9/24/24, 9:56:06 AM
website/                         9/24/24, 10:40:45 AM   530 B   9/24/24, 10:40:06 AM
style-projects.css       669 B   9/10/24, 11:09:19 AM

Better if I use eww, but not similar to gui web browser layout. Still, at least I don't have to manually align things. But it's really just ls -al.

drwxr-xr-x   6 jeffre  staff  192 Sep 24 10:40 .
drwxr-xr-x  23 jeffre  staff  736 Sep 24 10:03 ..
drwxr-xr-x   4 jeffre  staff  128 Sep 24 09:56 hacking
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff  530 Sep 24 10:40
-rw-r--r--   1 jeffre  staff  669 Sep 10 11:09 style-projects.css
drwxr-xr-x   4 jeffre  staff  128 Sep 24 11:02 website

In a separate file: projects directory

DONE Is there a security concern with the <script> functionality of these html export blocks?

Maybe. But I don’t think nginx will serve any directory I haven’t explicitly configured to be indexed. I’m not too worried about it. It would be a pain to remove some of the scripts from the html I’m embedding. But I’ll avoid embedding anything but static html in the future.

DONE Can I convert the scripty html static html easily? Not that I’ve found.

DONE What I really care about is the directory movement. Easy to kill that? Yea, just delete the links. Done.

DONE Do relative symlinks work on webserver after rsync -l (included by -a)? Yes! is a symlink:

(I know I shouldn’t be logging in as root. Hardening this box is a separate project I’ve decided to put behind in priority to this and other projects.)

root@www-1:~# la /var/www/html/segments/re600/
total 84K
lrwxrwxrwx 1 505 staff   20 Sep 29 13:30 Re600-link.mp3 -> ../../mp3s/Re600.mp3
-rw-r--r-- 1 505 staff  335 Sep 23 18:06 Re600-vid.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 505 staff 8.5K Sep 23 18:07 Re600.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 505 staff  588 Jun 21 00:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 505 staff  50K Jun 21 11:43 Re600.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 505 staff 1.1K Jun 21 11:43 Re600.tex
-rw-r--r-- 1 505 staff  212 Jun 21 12:38 Re600.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 505 staff 1.8K Dec 28  2023 TEST-bib.bib

DONE Get time, date, templates working better for publication.

To show timezone, example: [2024-09-28 Sat 07:55 EDT]

From .emacs

;; insert timestamp with timezone info [2024-09-27 Fri 11:49]

;; (global-set-key (kbd "<f7>") (lambda ()
;;                                 (interactive)
;;                                 (let ((current-prefix-arg '(16)))
;;                                   (insert (format-time-string "[%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M] [%Z]")))))
;;     ;; this break the interactive functionality of editable org timestamps. 

;; trying to get %Z to work with Org editable timestamps ... SEEMS TO WORK! Including not breaking the LOGBOOK duration functionality.   [2024-09-27 Fri 12:51 EDT]

  (setq org-time-stamp-formats '("<%Y-%m-%d %a>" . "<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M %Z>"))

Also, for easy insertion of time/date strings:

;; (global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'org-time-stamp-inactive) ;; 
(global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") (lambda ()
                                (let ((current-prefix-arg '(16)))
                                  (call-interactively #'org-time-stamp-inactive))))
;; print date stamp for file names [2024-09-27 Fri 10:46]
(global-set-key (kbd "<f6>") (lambda ()
                                (let ((current-prefix-arg '(16)))
                                  (insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d-%a")))))

And for template insertion for daily/ and project files:

;; [2024-09-24 Tue 09:54] templates

;; (define-skeleton project-skeleton
;;   "Project skeleton" nil
;;   "#+title: =insert-file-name=
;; #+subtitle: started
;; #+setupfile: ../

;; * LOGBOOK =insert-file-name=
;; @@html:<div class=\"logbook\">@@
;;   :LOGBOOK:
;;   :END:
;; @@html:</div>@@")

;; [2024-09-27 Fri 14:23 EDT] better: 
(defun jeff-re-daily-template ()
    "Jeff’s Re Daily template"
    (insert "#+title: [title]")
    (insert "\n#+subtitle: file ")
    (insert " started ")
    (org-time-stamp-inactive '(16))
    (insert "\n#+setupfile: ../\n\n\n* LOGBOOK ")
    (insert "\n  @@html:<div class=\"logbook\">@@\n  :LOGBOOK:\n  :END:\n  @@html:</div>@@")

(global-set-key (kbd "<f8>") 'jeff-re-daily-template) 

And for inserting the filename, with or without full path:

;; when? Sep-ish 2024
;; (defun insert-file-name-full-path ()
;;   "Insert the full path file name into the current buffer."
;;   (interactive)
;;   (insert (buffer-file-name (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window)))))
;; no longer necessary, because C-u with =insert-file-name= (see next)
;; insert just file name [2024-09-27 Fri 10:55]
(defun insert-file-name (&optional full-path)
  "Insert the current filename at point.
With prefix argument, use full path."
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((buffer
      (if (minibufferp)
     (filename (buffer-file-name buffer)))
    (if filename
    (insert (if full-path filename (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
      (error (format "Buffer %s is not visiting a file" (buffer-name buffer))))))

(global-set-key (kbd "M-o") #'insert-file-name)         

DONE Get org html preamble modified date to show timezone

Is there any way to get active content in this field? Could I point it to something like how I get the clock on Re livestreams in OBS?

:html-preamble to experiment, because it does look like I can set it to a function:

org-html-preamble is a variable defined in ‘ox-html.el’.

Its value is "Modified: %C"
Original value was t

Non-nil means insert a preamble in HTML export.

When t, insert a string as defined by the formatting string in
‘org-html-preamble-format’.  When set to a string, use this
formatting string instead (see ‘org-html-postamble-format’ for an
example of such a formatting string).

When set to a function, apply this function and insert the
returned string.  The function takes the property list of export
options as its only argument.

Setting :html-preamble in publishing projects will take
precedence over this variable.

  You can customize this variable.

[back]  [forward]

This works!!!

(defun jeff-f5-timestamp-for-html-preamble (dummyArg)
;; for html-preamble [2024-10-01 Tue 15:07 EDT]
    " a func"
  (setq current-prefix-arg '(16)) 
  (call-interactively 'org-time-stamp-inactive))

with this function set to Function and jeff-f5-timestamp-for-html-preamble:

Hide Org Html Preamble: Choice: [Value Menu] Function (must return a string): jeff-f5-timestamp-for-html-preamble
   [ State ]: SAVED and set.
   Non-nil means insert a preamble in HTML export. Hide

   When t, insert a string as defined by the formatting string in
   org-html-preamble-format.  When set to a string, use this
   formatting string instead (see org-html-postamble-format for an
   example of such a formatting string).

   When set to a function, apply this function and insert the
   returned string.  The function takes the property list of export
   options as its only argument.

   Setting :html-preamble in publishing projects will take
   precedence over this variable.
Groups: [Org Export HTML]

Now I need to add stuff to the timestamp itself:

Last modified: <span class="timestamp">[2024-09-01 Sun 13:07 EDT]</span>

This works:

;; for html-preamble [2024-10-01 Tue 15:07 EDT]
(defun jeff-f5-timestamp-for-html-preamble (dummyArg)
  "A function to insert timestamp with timezone in html export preamble."
  (concat    (princ "Last modified: ")
             (setq current-prefix-arg '(16))   (call-interactively 'org-time-stamp-inactive)))

Ugh, I’m not going to bother with the


because it’s probably not worth figuring out right now. When I put the html code into my princ output, it just gets treated as text, not code, of course. And I would want the class to only apply to the time stamp, no the whole output of my jeff-f5-timestamp-for-html-preamble function, which will push the limits of what preamble seems to do. Push.

…Fuck! I just did it! I went to show the strings that get treated as text, and when I did that, they got treated as html! A minute ago, with some very rough attempt, that didn’t happen. Anyway, done! I swear, every time I explicitly give up on something, my brain goes into overdrive and gets it done. I’ve noticed this for years, especially technical problems. Though this just feels like dumb luck.

;; for html-preamble [2024-10-01 Tue 15:07 EDT]
(defun jeff-f5-timestamp-for-html-preamble (dummyArg)
  "A function to insert timestamp with timezone in html export preamble."
  (concat    (princ "Last modified: <span class=\"timestamp\">")
             (setq current-prefix-arg '(16))   (call-interactively 'org-time-stamp-inactive)
             (princ "</span>")))     

Now, now that I’m cocky, can I get the postamble 2024 to be a function instead of a manual string?


Hide Org Html Postamble: Choice: [Value Menu] Custom formatting string: <br>Copyright 2024 Retraice, Inc.
   [ State ]: SAVED and set.
   Non-nil means insert a postamble in HTML export. Hide

   When set to auto, check against the
   org-export-with-author/email/creator/date variables to set the
   content of the postamble.  When t, insert a string as defined by the
   formatting string in org-html-postamble-format.  When set to a
   string, use this formatting string instead (see
   org-html-postamble-format for an example of such a formatting

   When set to a function, apply this function and insert the
   returned string.  The function takes the property list of export
   options as its only argument.

   Setting :html-postamble in publishing projects will take
   precedence over this variable. 

Too easy:

;; for html-postamble [2024-10-02 Wed 08:35 EDT]
(defun jeff-year-for-html-postamble (dummyArg)
  "A function to insert year for html postamble."
  (concat    (princ "</div>Copyright ")
             (format-time-string "%Y")
             (princ " Retraice, Inc.")))

[2024-10-02 Wed 08:41 EDT]

DONE sort out css and setupfile structure

DONE change face of preamble and postamble to be more background

TODO miscellaneous stuff

DONE get old blog post on power map (12) on website

DONE fix rss that keeps updating PA:

Tried uncommenting <pubDate>Sat, 24 Jun 2023 14:46:28 +0000</pubDate> in channel section, nope.

Uncomment <lastBuildDate>Thu, 20 Jun 2024 15:32:33 +0000</lastBuildDate> in channel section?

I played with the GUID and other stuff. Looks like it was a problem with PA confusing/mixing the live Retraice feed with my test feed, which was also named "Retraice" in the <title>Retraice (test)</title> tag. That in combination with a GUID that was the same for the Re116 entry in both feeds caused duplication errors in the test feed. I’ve made the title tags unique, and all GUIDs should always be unique everywhere.

See for making GUID the permalink.

DONE blank [rectangle] character in preamble

Ugh, this was a pain. Switching how I call the org timestamp function finally fixed it, though I’m not sure I need the "P". It seems to boil down to using let vs setq, but you can’t just use let in the jeff-f5-timestamp-for-html-preamble function, dunno why.

;; just trying to get rid of blank character in Chrome mobile view [2024-10-08 Tue 10:49 EDT]
(defun jeff-org-timestamp-no-rectangle ()
  (let ((current-prefix-arg '(16))) ;; emulate C-u
    (call-interactively 'org-time-stamp-inactive) 

;; for html-preamble [2024-10-01 Tue 15:07 EDT]
(defun jeff-f5-timestamp-for-html-preamble (dummyArg)
  "A function to insert timestamp with timezone in html export preamble."
  (interactive "P")
  (concat    (princ "<span class=\"prepostable\"> Last modified: </span><span class=\"timestamp\">")
             ;; (setq current-prefix-arg '(16)) (call-interactively 'org-time-stamp-inactive)   ;; old way, lead to rectangle character visible in Chrome Mobile only. 
             (jeff-org-timestamp-no-rectangle) ;; new way
             (princ "</span>")))

;; for html-postamble [2024-10-02 Wed 08:35 EDT]
(defun jeff-year-for-html-postamble (dummyArg)
  "A function to insert year for html postamble."
  (concat    (princ "<br><span class=\"prepostable\">Copyright ")
             (format-time-string "%Y")
             (princ " Retraice, Inc.</span>")))

DONE Get all CSS out of documents and into CSS files

#+OPTIONS: html-style:nil

DONE the css file is being injected into static html page at export, so updates won’t automatically propagate

Hmm, maybe it’s because I’m doing @import "" in project-style.css.

Yea. Fixed now.

NEXT Simplify setup of setup and style files to be more comprehensible.

TODO fix mobile margins

This seems to be caused by my hacky CSS centering method.

TODO logbook lines look wrong in Chrome mobile

This seems to have been caused by my css, which aimed to flatten/shorten the verticle length of the logbook section as a whole. Better:

TODO fix the UP button; it should make sense, or get removed, but what is my solution to navigation?

TODO fix image size problems with desktop vs. mobile on

TODO Does this (that symlinks for mp3/mp4s work, see above) mean that I can/should put larger files (mp3s, mp4s) in their own dir on the website, for scale management later?

Since I’m currently ([2024-09-29 Sun 09:36 EDT]) considering doing an hour+ per day, I am revisiting the problem of storage and bandwidth, CDNs, etc.

TODO Also: does my idea of cloning the website N times and putting them all behind a load balancer really scale?

get blog on website

WAIT Gather files


WAIT mp3

WAIT pdf

WAIT txt

WAIT html

WAIT mp4

WAIT Clean up YouTube channels

WAIT Retraice

WAIT Margin

WAIT Code Outsider

Fun stuff ahead

LOGBOOK 9-backlog

CLOCK: [2024-10-11 Fri 10:49 EDT]--[2024-10-11 Fri 11:21 EDT] (0:32)

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CLOCK: [2024-10-04 Fri 05:22 EDT]--[2024-10-04 Fri 05:48 EDT] (0:26)

CLOCK: [2024-10-03 Thu 16:44 EDT]--[2024-10-03 Thu 17:01 EDT] (0:17)

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CLOCK: [2024-09-29 Sun 08:05 EDT]--[2024-09-29 Sun 09:37 EDT] (1:32)

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CLOCK: [2024-09-26 Thu 17:34 EDT]--[2024-09-26 Thu 18:01 EDT] (0:27)

CLOCK: [2024-09-25 Wed 18:00 EDT]--[2024-09-25 Wed 18:12 EDT] (0:12)

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CLOCK: [2024-09-14 Sat 06:13 EDT]--[2024-09-14 Sat 06:28 EDT] (0:15)

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CLOCK: [2024-09-13 Fri 11:25 EDT]--[2024-09-13 Fri 11:29 EDT] (0:04)

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CLOCK: [2024-09-10 Tue 03:55 EDT]--[2024-09-10 Tue 05:05 EDT] (1:10)

CLOCK: [2024-09-09 Mon 15:06 EDT]--[2024-09-09 Mon 15:28 EDT] (0:22)

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CLOCK: [2024-09-07 Sat 07:22 EDT]--[2024-09-07 Sat 08:00 EDT] (0:38)

CLOCK: [2024-09-05 Thu 13:32 EDT]--[2024-09-05 Thu 14:01 EDT] (0:29)

CLOCK: [2024-09-04 Wed 15:07 EDT]--[2024-09-04 Wed 15:13 EDT] (0:06)

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CLOCK: [2024-09-03 Tue 13:23 EDT]--[2024-09-03 Tue 13:36 EDT] (0:13)

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CLOCK: [2024-09-02 Mon 17:05 EDT]--[2024-09-02 Mon 17:36 EDT] (0:31)

CLOCK: [2024-09-02 Mon 04:18 EDT]--[2024-09-02 Mon 04:25 EDT] (0:07)

CLOCK: [2024-09-01 Sun 13:00 EDT]--[2024-09-01 Sun 13:40 EDT] (0:40)

Copyright 2024 Retraice, Inc.